Travel with Purpose Podcast

Welcome to Travel with Purpose

This is your host, Dr. Aileen Hale. I invite you to my podcast where you can learn about meaningful ways to travel and engage in communities around the world. Join us as we travel, learn, and serve, impacting lives – both ours & theirs - while building life-long, global connections!

Season 26 - Peru, Honduras, Mexico

Hear from Dora Zuniga, the Donor Guidance Director of Project Amigo. Project Amigo helps students in the state of Colima, Mexico achieve the education necessary to improve their quality of life and that of their community. Education and literacy are powerful keys to enabling a brighter future for the world’s children, who in turn benefit the nations they live in. Build a relationship through mentoring a child, and/or participate in a service week to experience the impact of investing in a child’s life, first-hand.

Hear from George & Will, volunteers from the UK, working in Roatan through Project Trust.  They share their experience volunteering for a year with PIER: Partners in Education Roatan. The school where they’ve been volunteering models the impact of teaching English to the island kids. “You grow so much personally, while having a meaningful impact on others. I’ve learned more in 1 year than 5 years in my own country!” George and Will encourage volunteers to join in

Hear from Elena, the Cultural Project Manager of Waves Lobitos. As a surfing town, Lobitos is a nonprofit organization supporting the development of youth through surf, skate, art and English programs. This unique program uses the waves of Lobitos as a tool for personal and social development, where youth acquire essential values and build their confidence within the sea. Discover a deeper meaning on your next surf trip by volunteering alongside the local Peruvian people while experiencing an unfiltered look into the everyday culture and life.

Season 25 - Belize & Honduras

Hear from Melisse, a Board Member with PIER, Partners in Education Roatan as she shares some opportunities to volunteer with PIER, while enjoying a vacation in Roatan. Learn about the multicultural & multilingual context and ways to get involved in supporting education. You can bring school supplies and/or volunteer in a classroom. You can even contribute to ocean literacy for kids to learn more about their environment.

Hear from Latoya about opportunities to volunteer in Belize. As a retreat participant, Latoya shares her experience of participating in cultural excursions and volunteering at Holy Cross School. She highlights the rewarding experience of learning about the realities of the community and ways she was able to contribute. Increase your joy while traveling with a purpose!

Season 24 - Belize, El Salvador, & Global Nonprofits

While traveling to El Salvador for a vacation with her kids, Inna decided to volunteer at an orphanage: The experience for her children - of spending time with kids at the orphanage was so impactful that her 10 year old son said,” Mom, I need to learn Spanish!”  Her kids also asked to volunteer again while on vacation! What a difference traveling with purpose can have - on your lives and theirs!

Here from Pete Davis, the in-coming Club President of the Rotary Club of Ambergris Caye, San Pedro, Belize.  He shares many ways Rotary is involved on the island such as book donations and distribution to schools; renovations of Hope Haven orphanage; and delivery of wheelchairs. Pete describes some of the educational needs on the island and ways to get involved in supporting local projects, while you travel.

As a musician, Rachel offered to host a concert, as a fundraising effort for hurricane victims. The funds raised through Episcopal Relief and Development will be distributed to hurricane victims who are still struggling - months later - to rebuild their lives. Listen to her powerful story of “saying YES” to make a difference with the gifts you are given.

Steve Frantzich, President of Books for International Goodwill (BIG), shares the history, purpose and milestones of this organization. Books for International Goodwill's primary purpose is to provide books to underserved populations in the U.S. and abroad. They send "a library in a box" with 16,000 books in a container. The ultimate goal is to increase literacy and improve living conditions. They’ve shipped 10 million books around the world over the past 30 years! Join their efforts to make a local and global impact with literacy.

Season 23 - Belize, Roatan, El Salvador

Ms. Torres shares the socio-economic challenges that Holy Cross School addresses in the island community of Ambergris Caye, Belize. The school was built over marshes, in support of a community that had no access to school. Ms. Torres shares how volunteers play a vital role in supporting students’ academic progress in their community. They value and welcome volunteers; so join us in a retreat or on your own, to make a difference.

As a Global Retreat Coordinator, Inna Bell interviews Dr. Aileen Hale to learn the story behind her Travel with Purpose Podcast. LIsten to the “how and why’ of Travel with Purpose and how it’s evolved into purposeful retreats. With so many options, why not consider a “retreat with a purpose” - choose from Belize to Roatan, Honduras, and El Salvador. Each retreat has unique service projects and cultural excursions. Join us!

Hear Juan Mendez share about the Watermark Belize Hotel’s innovative philanthropy program. The Watermark believes that every guest has the power to make a positive impact. Their philanthropic initiative offers more than just a Belize vacation; it’s an opportunity for meaningful contribution to their community. Discover the three programs that empower you to create lasting change in the lives of locals during your Belize getaway. Pack for a Purpose!

Hear from Camille Stegman, the President of PIER Foundation International Inc., the US 501c3 and sister organization to PIER: Partners in Education Roatan. Camille shares the educational and linguistic challenges of the island with Spanish and English language learners and teachers. There are lots of great projects travelers could volunteer with and ways to donate bilingual books or support a teacher. Listen for ways to get involved to make a difference! Join us in June, 2025!

Hear from Anne Marie Moquin, Founder & Executive Director of Beaches Go Green, which focuses on environmental education and awareness. She was inspired to start this organization after viewing the film The Plastic Ocean. Anne Marie is a testimony to how someone who cares, can do something about it and truly make a difference! Learn ways you too can contribute to educational activities, having a deep impact in schools and communities.

Season 22 - Colombia, Belize, El Salvador

Hear from Judy, a trainee with SPICE, San Pedro Institute of Culinary Training. This vocational training initiative, starting with culinary skills, strives to expand vocational training on the island. Their aim is to have a transformative impact in the community. Hear Judy share the impact of this training on her life and future career.

Hear from Kurt, the Founder and President of El Salvador's Hope, a ministry dedicated to reaching the children and families in El Salvador.  They work with children and families, to address the needs of the poorest communities and those working in the streets of San Salvador. Listen to the impact of their ministry in local communities, making e a difference in lives - helping others realize their dreams.;

Listen to Jen Mons, an expert retreat leader, coach, and mentor, dive into ways to design retreats with community service, as a key feature.  Jen supports women through teaching a ‘retreat blueprint’.  She discusses the importance of outsourcing expertise, through organizations like, which customize retreats, working alongside nonprofits to build community.  Follow us and learn how you may be impacted and have an impact while you travel.

Hear from Pedro Salazar, about the impacts of Amigos del Mar, in Tierra Bomba, Colombia. Listen to ways they are making great differences in this community, offering English, surfing, and other activities to transform lives. They create numerous opportunities for the future of these children and their families. Come volunteer to see first-hand; or contribute from afar.

Season 21 - Belize, Cuba, El Salvador & Bolivia

Hear from Diane Downing, a volunteer with Amistad Mission, Bolivia. She shares the tremendous impact of providing a “family home” for children who otherwise would be in state institutions, often separated from siblings. Amistad also engages in preventative work to address root causes of broken families. Hear about their innovative programs to address the root causes of  community needs.

Hear from Karen, the Founder of Pasitos por El Salvador, a school program for street children. Many of these kids do not have the opportunity to go to regular school because the parents and children work in the streets washing windshields, begging, and selling food. Pasitos offers educational opportunities and support, giving kids possibilities for their futures.

Hear Julia Sullivan share her wealth of experience with over 20 years of traveling to Cuba. She shares the beauty of the Cuban people and the value of supportive relationships. Hear about the challenges, as well as the impacts with Friends of Cuba. You can help with water purification systems or sending food online:

Listen to a Culinary Chef, Gaynor Grant, share about SPICE:  San Pedro Institute of Culinary Education. This initiative brings basic culinary education to the island, providing professional training for hotel and restaurant workers.

Season 20 - Panama, Cuba, Bolivia & Belize

On the beautiful island of Ambergris Caye, Belize, only 30% of children complete high school, highlighting the need for educational support and vocational training. Most youth stay on the island, but lack skills for meaningful employment, primarily in tourism-related vocations. To address this need, Holy Cross has launched a culinary skills vocational training program, called: SPICE Listen to Steve Weiss share details.

Hear from Will Mosby, the Founder of Street Cents, which works in underserved communities in the U.S. and abroad. They focus on teaching soft and hard skills for professional engineering. They work with international partners to deliver technical equipment, such as computers. Will served as the technical liaison with Belize in Believe for computer distribution and capacitation for use in schools. Discover the value of collaborations to make great impact in global communities. ;

Chris King, Executive Director of Amistad, shares the history and impact of this Bolivian ministry. Since 1990, the Children’s Village called Villa Amistad has provided a loving Christian community to children who have been abused, abandoned, or orphaned. Located in the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia, Villa Amistad utilizes a family model. Children live in one of seven casas (houses) with a mamá as the primary caregiver and a tía (aunt) as additional support. Listen for ways you may support this ministry.

Hear the impressions of Cuba from Robin & Brad, a couple from Florida, who traveled to the historic city of Trinidad, Cuba. They brought suitcases of medical supplies, clothing, and more to donate to those in most need. Listen to their ‘eye opening’ cultural experiences, and perspectives gained through sharing time with the locals.

Listen to Holly’s experience, participating with her family in a Mission Clubs trip in Panama. Mission Clubs is an International Boys and Girls Club, serving students ages 6-18 in an after school program, based in Caisan, Panama. Hear the beauty and magic of meeting the kids they sponsor and the impact of these relationships. You can sponsor a child too! Join us to make an impact.

Season 19 - Cuba, Belize, & Panama

Hear from Paul Martinez, the CEO of both the Boys & Girls Club of NE Florida, and Panama! Having attended clubs as a child in Harlem, NY, Paul knows 1st-hand the need for supporting kids. Offering hope, structure, and resources, Mission Clubs helps kids to reach their full potential. Sponsor a child and be a part of impacting their lives.

Shelly Falk shares about the huge difference that Believe in Belize in making throughout the country. They imagine a better Belize by focusing on improving the quality of life for individuals, communities, and the environment through their 4 Pillars of:  Health, Education, Environment & Community. Hear about their collaboration with local Rotary clubs and join us to make a difference!

Hear the story of how Kristin Keen founded Rethreaded in Jacksonville, Florida. Having worked in India, supporting women to rebuild their lives from trafficking, she knew what to do upon returning to Florida. Listen to details of the Rethreaded process for rebuilding lives, with a supportive community.

Listen to Scarlett, a 13 year old, who went on a family trip to Cuba, share her experience traveling to Trinidad, Vinales, and Havana. Hear the impact of adventurous excursions, spending time with locals, as well as supporting Cuban children with their English skills. She’s inspired to start a club to bring more awareness to ways of making a difference!

Season 18 - Belize, Costa Rica & Cuba

Hear from a traveler - Jovan- share his first experience in Cuba – from Vinales to Havana! He shares his highlights - visiting tobacco and coffee plantations in Vinales, to touring Hemingway’s House, in Havana. He shares how enriching the experience was being able to connect with locals in a unique way, donating medical supplies and touring with local guides. Customize your  trip today!

Hear from Spencer, the Founder and President of 6:8 Ministries (Do justly, Love mercy, Walk humbly). This nonprofit is involved in addressing significant community needs in an impoverished area of Costa Rica, including education, food insecurity, and homelessness. You can sponsor a child to attend school for a year; volunteer to teach English and/or participate in a feeding center. Get involved:

Hear from Felecia & Laurie, 2 Expats living in Belize, who address a critical need for blood donations, on an island in Belize. In partnership with the Rotary Club of Ambergris Caye, they’ve taken the initiative to create the Island Donors Squad , to get donations for a blood bank, strengthening blood collection and processing services. Join us to hear more!

Hear from Chelsea, a Director with the nonprofit Est/Her, supporting women on the island of Ambergris Caye, Belize. They’ve created an artisan and mentoring project to empower women in gaining financial independence. Listen to the needs and how you can support the transformation of their lives. You can purchase a bracelet, directly connected to each lady.

Season 17 - Galápagos Islands, Colombia, & Cuba

Time to hear from our volunteers! Listen to the impact Ben shares about his 3 teenage daughters’ experience, volunteering in an after school English class.  As a father, he shares opportunities of making a difference in the community. Hear how the experience changed his approach to traveling, getting ‘behind the scenes’, to contribute and connect with the locals.

Listen to the Executive Director, Natalia Pelaez, share about Caring for Colombia, a non-profit organization, that builds bridges and mobilizes resources between the donor community and top-quality foundations across Colombia. Their 3 pillars of: Art, Health & Education, serve as powerful vehicles of social transformation. They accompany the entire process, from connecting foundations with potential donors, to channeling and monitoring the granted funds. Listen for details on ways you can engage!

Hear from the President and Founder, Kelly Escalante share how and why she started Big Dreamers during the pandemic. As an English teacher, she shares the value of teaching English to the kids of vulnerable neighborhoods of Colombia. She opens the doors for kids who may otherwise not have this opportunity. Join us in support of

A volunteer with Worldwide Vet Services, Jessica, shares her experience, as a professional vet offering her expertise and mentorship. She shares the value of contributing and engaging at a deeper level in the culture. Listen for details.

Hear from Hannah & Marissa, two veterinary students who were volunteering in the Galápagos Islands!  They are supporting conservation, starting with domestic species, through population control. Listen to ways you may get involved in the community, in addition to enjoying the vast beauty of theses islands! Participate in an experience and/or support the Worldwide Veterinary Service.

Season 16 - Belize & Colombia

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Hear from Andres Obregon with Dive to Heal, working in Islas de Rosario, Colombia. Learn about his incredible initiative, enabling people with disabilities to dive! This Initiative is a part of Diving Planet, which also supports coral conservation and restoration. Join a dive/snorkel and support this amazing initiative!

Salvo Basile, a Colombian-Italian actor, founded Corazon Contento, upon seeing the tremendous need in an impoverished neighborhood of Cartagena. His heart went out to help the children get proper nourishment and education. Hear how he and his team are making a significant difference in childrens’ lives and how you can support their work. “Giving is more satisfying than receiving” - Salvo

Hear from Vernon, who took the initiative to make a huge difference on Ambergris Caye, Belize. Working with local authorities, he was able to facilitate the building of a school in an impoverished community. Volunteer in this school while visiting Belize, contributing to a great, expanding project.

Hear from Susan Fenske, the President of Rotary, Ambergris Caye, Belize. This Rotary Club supports many community initiatives, including a variety of school projects. They are supporting an initiative for a new community center, as well as school literacy projects. Join a Rotary meeting while you’re on the island and discover ways you can support them, donating  children’s books, and volunteering.

Season 15 - Belize & Cuba Volunteers!

Listen to Abby, a 17 year old, share how volunteering to support Cuban kids with their English skills was a highlight of her family trip to Cuba. Hear how the Cuban community impacted her, as she realized how connected people are. She also reflects on the beauty she experienced through cultural excursions.  

Hear from Julie, a physician from Florida, who took her family on a “Travel with Purpose” trip to Cuba. She highlights the perspectives she gained on the basics, like having electrical power! Hear how her family enjoyed a Cuban cooking class; a ‘finca’/farm visit; and gained perspectives from volunteering in an after school English program.  As a mom, she loved the opportunity for her 3 daughters to connect with a group of Cuban youth. Hear about how she gained a sense of gratitude from giving to and receiving from local Cubans. She encourages listeners to participate in this kind of trip, especially families.

Now it’s time to hear from Lexi (the daughter of Elizabeth, who was last week’s interviewee). Currently a university student, Lexi has years of experience supporting the refugee community in Jacksonville, FL. Now she shares her perspective of working with foster children at Hope Haven Belize. As part of a family vacation, Lexi shares the impact of engaging in the communities where one travels!; You can donate in the U.S.

Listen to Elizabeth, a Belize & Cuba volunteer, share her experience volunteering with Hope Haven Children’s Home on Ambergris Caye, Belize. Hear about the unforgettable impact of spending time sharing stories and engaging in STEM activities with the foster children. She highly recommends this experience for all ages of  volunteers. She was so inspired that when she returned to Florida, she challenged her graduate students to write a grant, in support of this organization. Hear how volunteering was a highlight for all her family members, engaging in the community at a deeper level.; donate in the U.S.

Season 14 - Colombia

Camila Cooper is the Founder and Executive Director of la Fundación Fruto Bendito, a non-profit organization working to support and protect early childhood. The Foundation offers cribs and supplies for newborns, as well as workshops for new mothers.  They believe that everyone, regardless of their life circumstances, deserves to be educated with love and opportunities. Participate with donations and/or workshops:

Greg Meletta, the Founder of SWAP - Surfing with a Purpose, volunteered for 2 weeks with Amigos Del Mar. The SWAP Foundation provided surfing, skating, art, and English workshops, as well as donated top-of-the-line surfing and skateboarding equipment to Amigos del Mar, for participating children. Discover ways people partner to make a difference in the world and how you can be a part!  Volunteer & bring English, art, skating, and/or surfing supplies! @swap_foundation

Join us to hear from Lila Lopez, the Founder and Director of Fundación Julie, with Sara Medina, the Communications Director. This Foundation aims to uplift the quality of life of teenage girls in vulnerable situations. They offer a holistic program of leadership development and academic support, in prevention of teenage pregnancy and empowering girls through educational workshops. Volunteers can support girls with their academic and recreational skills.

Lavinia Fiori is the Director of Mejor Planeta = A Better Planet. Based on the Rosario Islands, off of Cartagena, this Foundation is dedicated to education for sustainable development.  It is inspired by the principles of learning by doing – to live the difference you want to see in the world. You may stay at their Eco-friendly hostel: El Hamaquero ( to experience the power of participating in coral reef preservation through a Better Planet:

Based in Bogota, Natalia Jimenez, started as a volunteer 8 years ago, and is now the Director of Somos Capazes, working in marginalized communities to educate youth with conflict management and resolution skills. They use experiential methods, recreational activities and reflection, to bring about peace in their environment and develop future leaders.

Season 13 (Year 2!)- Honduras

Traveling to Roatan for her husband to get a divemaster certification, Ashley discovered PIER, Partners in Education, Roatan. She volunteered with English and bilingual literacy programs. Hear how she connected at a deep level with the community and how you may volunteer!

Timna Varela, the Executive Director of PIER: Partners in Education Roatan, shares aspiring ways to bring quality education to the youth of the island. PIER offers reading, art and other afterschool programs for youth, as well as professional development for teachers. While enjoying the marvels of the underwater world, consider volunteering in their afternoon educational programs. Dive into the local culture.

Following up on last week’s interview, you can hear more ways to Support Utila, through medical donations. Bring over-the-counter medical supplies in your suitcase or donate online through Amazon and they’ll take care of the rest! Visit a clinic while you’re there and see how easily your donation can make a substantial impact! @vagabondartist on TikTok;

Join us to hear how Heath Miller, Founded Support Utila, a nonprofit organization assisting a small island off the coast of Honduras. Heath had planned to move to Utila to take over the family resort: Coral View Beach Resort, but he had to pivot when the island shut down during the 2020 pandemic. While waiting, he started Support Utila, knowing some of the greatest needs would be getting food to the island. Listen to how this nonprofit has blossomed into addressing humanitarian, medical, and education needs. Donate a laptop, iPad, or cellphone to help with educational needs.

Season 12 - Belize & Colombia

Jenny Linares is the Founder & Director of Fundación Lideres Monarca / Monarch Leaders Foundation, a non-profit organization based in Bogota, seeking to transform the lives of children and young people in some of the most vulnerable conditions. They offer art, reading, English, and cooking workshops, empowering children with skills for life. Volunteer your talents in support of transforming young peoples’ lives.

Lala Lovera is the Executive Director of Comparte  (por una Vida Colombia), a non-profit organization that contributes to the stabilization of mixed migratory flows and host communities. Their comprehensive model focuses on education, human rights, welfare, inclusion and social integration of Venezuelans in Colombia.

Ariana Gongora, Principal of A Brighter Tomorrow, shares updates from last year’s interview (*S2 E4). Hear how the support of Rotary and others has enabled them to restore the preschool playground and increase their enrollment to 29 students. They are now envisioning a primary school. Donations of educational supplies are very welcome. Come for a visit and consider sponsoring a child.

Join us to hear Steve Darr share about one of the most powerful pathways for overcoming cycles of poverty and oppression - education! This is why education is at the center of many of Peacework’s programs, as they work alongside school, community, and government leaders to enhance educational opportunities for everyone, from primary school youth to adult learners. By increasing access and quality of educational opportunities in literacy, numeracy, and leadership skills, Peacework’s educational programs are a key strategy for individual and community empowerment around the world.

Season 11 - Colombia, Bonaire, Cuba, Honduras

Ana Lucia Lopez, the National Coordinator of MarAlliance, works for the conservation of marine wildlife and their habitats. MarAlliance works globally and has been working in Honduras since 2015. Adventure to Roatan, a world-class dive spot, and participate in reef preservation and marine life protection, while learning about endangered species. Be a part of an exchange program with the University of Honduras, as a student or professor in the field of marine biology and/or tourism.

​​Ed Perez came from Cuba to the shores of the U.S.  as a teenager. He arrived penniless, homeless and unable to speak English. Through the grace of God, and a lot of hard work and determination, he has lived the “American Dream”, focusing not only on personal success, but also on elevating the quality of life of those around him. In 2016, he started Three Grains of Rice Missions, which provides local and international support to individuals and organizations in need of wellness supplies and humanitarian aid. Learn ways you may support this work locally and/or globally.

Miriam Lopez, a Professional Development Officer of the Teacher Association of Linguistics, offers an opportunity to partner with English language students. Take a tour of Old Havana with a student, enabling them to practice their English, while sharing their knowledge of Cuba. Participate in this warm exchange of language and culture, while learning history and empowering future teachers.

The mission of Reef Renewal Bonaire is to help protect, replenish, and restore the biodiverse coral reefs of Bonaire. They focus on implementing innovative, science-based programs that expand and strengthen populations of keystone coral reef species. Learn how you can participate in reef renewal, as a diver, snorkeler, and/or donor. Be a part of restoring this pristine part of the world.

Robert Graffam, a Board member with Caring for Colombia, shares his experiences supporting numerous Colombian foundations. Caring for Colombia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that creates connections and mobilizes resources between donors and the needs of the foundations. They empower vulnerable communities through  providing health and educational services. Additionally, they invest in leadership training, community and professional development, environmental sustainability, new technology frontiers, and internet access. Listen to their impact and ways you may get involved.

Season 10 - Colombia

Want to live on an island and make a difference? Hear from volunteers from 3 European countries describe their perspectives volunteering with Amigos del Mar. They learned how much a sense of community exists on this island, and from ‘the school of life’. They gained appreciation of basic things like rain to have running water and being able to shower daily. Teach English, teach surfing, share your knowledge. Realize the difference you can make volunteering for a day, a month or more. Impact your and their lives.

Come hear how Pedro was touched by the realities of life in Tierra Bomba, such that he felt driven to make a difference. Seeing the challenges of lives of the children, motivated Pedro to found Amigos del Mar. This foundation provides after school programs  - including English, art, and surf lessons, motivating the kids to stay in school. Amigos del Mar also has a great recycling program, where community members collect plastic caps, converting the plastic into fins for surfboards and key chains. Their contributions to this community has motivated the Colombian government to provide services such as garbage collection and security for the small island community. Learn how you may volunteer for a day - with English, art, technology, and/or surfing!

Juanfe is an incredible Foundation, named after the Founder’s son Juan Felipe. In an effort to help address high infant mortality, Catalina Escobar realized a root cause was low-income teenage mothers. Juanfe is a comprehensive foundation working to break the cycle of poverty for these moms, with a comprehensive 2-year program. Juanfe provides support for emotional stability, as well technical training in the areas of hotel, beauty, and culinary skills. During their studies, the mothers’ children are cared for in la guarderia (daycare). Mothers are then connected with businesses, who partner with Juanfe, in support of their employment.  You can volunteer as an English partner, supporting their employability in tourist industries.

The Sierra Artist Residency was founded by Nina Arias, as part of her retreat center’s way of giving back to the community (Gitana del Mar - Retreat Center). The goal is to provide a cultural exchange between artists and youth in their community.  Working with over 20 local, rural, low-resourced schools, visitors can donate school supplies and participate in school programs. They have collaboratively created a coloring book: Cuidando el Corazon del Mundo (Caring for the Heart of the World), teaching children about their history and indigenous roots. Buy a book, and 5 will be donated on behalf of your purchase. Plan a retreat and serve in their community.

Season 9 - Cartagena, Colombia

ACTUAR is a nonprofit Foundation in Cartagena, Colombia, providing micro-loans for entrepreneurs to start small family businesses. They provide on-going job training and childcare for women. You can volunteer in the preschool program or offer your expertise in the areas of financial literacy and microloan development.  You can also support this great work in Colombia and in the U.S. through Friends for Colombia.;

Join us to hear Gerardo Nieto, Director of Festicinekids Foundation, share about how his father started an international film festival in Colombia, in the 1960’s. Building on his father’s legacy, Gerardo started Festicinekids in 1998, with the purpose of educating Colombian kids in cinema photography. Programs consist of training kids with film production; acting; script writing; positive communication messages; and a film festival for kids ages 10-16. The Foundation also has a movie club; youth programs, and workshops for movie-making! Listen for details and ways to support them!

Friends for Colombia is a nonprofit organization, based in the U.S., serving as “connectors”, to come alongside Foundations in Colombia.  Over the course of 20 years, Berit and Dan Wick have identified Colombian foundations representing a broad spectrum of foundations addressing social issues in their communities. This episode highlights 3 of them, focused on micro-enterprise loans for small businesses; educational programs supporting teenage moms; and comprehensive community development projects. Listen to how you may visit one or more of these organizations while traveling to Cartagena or Bogota. You can volunteer for a half or full day; learn an insider perspective of the culture and their communities. No Spanish needed; just a desire, a hug, and a smile to share 🙂

Martha Mogollón, the Executive Director of Granitos De Paz (, shares how this foundation started in 2014, out of a need to address extreme poverty, facing a significant portion of Cartagena’s population. It is a comprehensive, holistic organization, based on 5 Pillars: Education; Income generation & Training; Housing & environment; Sports & culture; Heath and family planning. This neighborhood is one of the most impoverished areas in the city, without sewage or running water. They work to fight against drugs and prostitution, with education programs including an early childhood center and afterschool youth activites. They also have an urban garden program, teaching farming and product sales. Hear multiple ways Granitos de Paz is making a significant difference - transforming lives, families, and communities. Come for a visit; volunteer with kids, youth, sports, etc. You can support this great work in Colombia and in the U.S. through Friends for Colombia:

Listen to Jenny Valiente share how Green Apple, a not-for-profit social enterprise, set out to address issues of recycling, sustainability, and employment. The Foundation provides employment for 15 people and has recycled over 250 tons of waste. They work on Tierra Bomba - just a ½ hour boat ride from Cartagena. They partner with local restaurants to collect and compost waste and recycle glass for landscaping, building, and decorative items. They continue developing on-going projects to benefit their local communities.

Products created from recycled glass

Season 8 - Cuba, Guatemala, Colombia!

The Fundación Bahía y Ecosistemas de Colombia is a non-profit NGO created to conserve the Bay of Cartagena and its surrounding ecosystems. They work with its eco-dependent communities, fighting against plastic pollution in the sea and promoting adaptation and/or mitigation of climate change in the city. They empower womens’ businesses as a part of recycling plastics. Volunteer on their educational vessel for a day trip from Cartagena, to the neighboring island of Tierra Bomba, collecting plastics from the beaches.

Bladimir Basabe Sánchez started Salvemos Varadero in 2016 to bring awareness to the preservation needs of the Coral Reef ecosystem near Cartagena, Colombia. Varadero is the 1st “Hope Spot” in the Caribbean.  If you love diving or snorkeling, you’ll want to support this movement. Discover ways you can be a part of reef preservation and restoration, as you listen to the work of this platform.

Come hear Theresa Grant, the Founder and Executive Director of Make a Difference Now, share about their work in Guatemala. The focus of this interview is on their most recent projects, empowering young women through 3 life-changing programs, focused on education. Listen to how women are trained in marketing and taught to ‘pay it forward,’ passing their new knowledge on to others. Join us to hear about their impact and the ripple effects.

Jason Allen, a Board member with First-Hand Aid, shares how this nonprofit works efficiently alongside local churches and community doctors, bringing aid directly to Cubans, most in need. Focusing in Havana and Vinales, he describes how impactful it was for him and his son to distribute food to shut-ins, unable to support themselves. The expense of basic, staple foods - like beans and rice - have exorbitant costs and are prohibitive for many to afford. The inability to own much land makes farming difficult to grow ones own crops. Jason highlights how impactful this experience was for him and his son. He encourages you to join a trip, with transportation and logistics support provided for you, while you focus on amazing excursions and purposeful travel.

Season 7 - Nicaragua & Cuba

Join us to hear Bradley Gordon, a Board member of First-Hand Aid, share about his recent trip to Cuba. He and his team brought medical supplies, financial support and more to support the people of Cuba. In case you missed it, last week Marc Bohland shared the background of founding this nonprofit organization. You can participate in a trip, bringing much needed medical and school supplies and/or donate online. Even consider sponsoring a family. You can make a huge difference, impacting their lives and your life!

For over 20 years, Marc Bohland, the Founder and Executive Director of First-Hand Aid, has been supporting the Cuban people for years. Listen to opportunities for how you may engage in projects “behind the scenes”, while seeing the beauty of Cuba.  First-Hand Aid has an efficient structure to distribute much needed, over-the-counter medical supplies. They also support families financially with a monthly stipend, for those in greatest need. Be a part of bringing hope to those who remain alone, with family members abroad. Participate in critical ways coming alongside the work of First-Hand Aid: delivering food to elderly; sponsoring a family; and bringing/sending school and medical supplies. Of course, taking a trip to Cuba is the best way to experience the realities of how Cuban people are living and participate in making a difference.

Experience the beauty of Nicaragua - its surf & volcanos

Dylan Brown was introduced to Waves of Love through our last interviewee- Chad Starkey, with Surf-Fish-Serve, both nonprofits supporting Nicaragua. Dylan is a 3-time participant of service & surf trips to Nicaragua. As an avid surfer himself, he loves to teach the local kids to surf, as well as engage in other sports, games, and learning activities. He also has participated in food distributions, primarily for the elderly who are isolated, without family. Dylan shares how the people of Nicaragua have impacted his life, emphasizing the humbling impact of receiving from those who have the least. Participate in a variety of community projects, practice your Spanish, and enjoy the beauty of surfing and/or snorkeling & swimming in Popoyo, Nicaragua! Sign up for a January, 2024 trip now!

Chad Starkey, the Founder of  Surf-Fish-Serve (SFS) shares ways of combining your passions with community service, while traveling globally. SFS works in Nicaragua, engaging in amazing surfing, while also participating in food distributions, building homes, and supporting school children. They come alongside local partners, like Waves of Love, to build continuity of projects and relationships. Discover ways to incorporate your passions - for recreation and service - as part of an unforgettable excursion. Chad ​ shares how community engagement is often the most memorable part of a trip. Join a Surf-Spanish-Service trip to Nicaragua in January, 2024.

Season 6 - Oceans of Belize & Nicaragua

Hear the impact of last week’s episode - from the perspective of a ‘Waves of Love’ ( ) participant, Adam Brown.  Learn how this organization partners with community members to address the most urgent, ‘felt’ community needs. You can also hear about sustainable agriculture and feeding programs, as well as participating in food deliveries for the elderly and supporting children in schools. Additionally, you can participate in a Spanish immersion program, while serving and surfing!  Popoyo, Nicaragua is uniquely located for surfers and swimmers and the receptivity of the locals is heart-warming.

Surf & Serve

We’re venturing into another country - Nicaragua! Join us to hear about a world-renowned surfing town: Popoyo, where you can enjoy surfing, while serving in the community. Waves of Love provides ways to support the local community with food distributions, a library for educational projects, and sustainable agricultural projects. Most importantly, be a part of building relationships for ongoing impact.

Listen to how the NGO, MarAlliance, benefits the offshore waters of Belize with their conservation work. Kirah Forman-Castillo, the National Coordinator of MarAlliance, Belize, shares how this NGO benefits their community through training of local fishermen and much more. MarAlliance offers full immersion expeditions, supporting their conservation work. Participate in a ‘close encounter’ with sharks and turtles, tagging species and/or “adopting” one for migration tracking!

Learn about an exciting opportunity for those of you who love marine life and hunting! Lionfish, a venomous fish which have no natural predators in the waters of the meso-american barrier reef are detrimental to the reef. Belize is a country which is safe, easy to navigate and English-speaking! On your next trip to Belize, consider supporting the work of reef preservation - whether you’re a diver, snorkeler or just interested in preserving the natural beauty of this reef. Spend a few nights on this gorgeous island which sits atop of the reef! See eels and octopus at night! Participate in a 7 day snorkeling trip or 4 day dive trip. Affiliated with Monkey Bay

This month we explore the oceans of Central America, starting with James, who works as the Marine Station Manager on Tobacco Caye - a 4 acre island off of Dangriga, Belize.  This Marine station is designed as a research and education, study abroad center.  Learn ways you may contribute to reef preservation with 3 key projects. 1. Partake in a lionfish expedition - to help eradicate an invasive species. 2. Help collect plastics and trash to create eco-bricks 3. Participate in a coral research and restoration program. Participate in any one of these great projects, while relaxing in a beautiful over-the-water cabana; kayaking, snorkeling; and/or diving. Affiliated with Monkey Bay

Season 5 - BELIZE Wildlife!

Listen to Chloe’s experience as an intern with Saga Humane Society. Last week’s episode shares the history and importance of Saga.  In this episode, you can learn ways to come alongside their work.  If you love walking dogs on the beach or helping with cats, there are lots of ways you can support this animal shelter. If you happen to be in the medical field, medical donations are always appreciated, as well as other animal supplies to bring on your next trip to Belize!

In 1999, Eileen Jamison along with local leaders and other expat women, became the Board of Directors of the very first humane society in Belize, called Saga, named after one of their dogs.  These concerned citizens saw a need to improve the health, and decrease the numbers, of stray animals on the island of Ambergris Caye, where no veterinarian services were available at the time. As a result of Saga’s BOD and volunteers’ dedication, they have successfully been providing veterinary clinic services for the past 23 years.  Visitors are welcome to tour the facility, play with the cats, or walk a dog along the beautiful beaches of the Caribbean sea.  Visitors can also donate animal toys, collars, leashes, and find a “wishlist” of other necessary supplies on their website: Saga Humane Society is a registered non-profit with 501C3 tax exempt status in the United States; donations are always helpful and welcomed!

Did you ever dream of a Wildlife Rescue for reptiles and birds including toucans, crocodiles and iguanas? Well, this is the place! ACES is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation and protection of Belize's native wildlife and their critical habitats. ACES provides 24/7 emergency response to injured, ill, or orphaned wildlife, as well as crocodile/human conflict resolution, community outreach, and education. If you’re a traveler, you can schedule a visit to see their amazing facilities and work rehabilitating animals for release back into the wild. Check out their wishlist on Amazon; donate old pillow cases or sheets; or give an online donation. ACES is supported 95% by donations and has a 501c3 status for tax purposes.

Do you love animals? Join us to hear about a great opportunity for all ages to volunteer at the Belize Zoo & Tropical Education Center. Learn about conservation projects and all the amazing species in the forests and rivers of Belize, that sustain these amazing animals. Jamal, the Conservation Program Manager, has a long history of working with the zoo. This year marks the 40th year of the zoo’s existence. It was founded to care for animals as well as to engage both Belizeans and international visitors in learning about the beauty of the beasts! The zoo serves as a point of connection and conservation. It employs many Belizeans and engages in community educational programs. Travelers can support the zoo by taking a VIP tour; “adopting an animal”; or spending a night at the Jungle Lodge.  If you have never heard howler monkeys roar, this is your chance!

Season 4 - BELIZE

If you missed last week’s interview, I encourage you to listen to hear the background of this week’s interview with Jecelyn Garcia. Jecelyn had the experience of working at Purple Passion, as a mentee of Ocean Academy, a nonprofit island high school.  As part of Ocean  Academy’s mentorship program, students shadow a business owner,  related to their field of interest.  This business mentorship supports student success through employment, after graduation.  Listen to how the program benefited Jecelyn to gain confidence and skills for her work after graduation. Also hear ways you could contribute - from a distance or through an island visit.

Join us to hear how a self-made entrepreneur shares her journey of building her dream business on the island of Caye Caulker. Stacy worked to pay her own way to get through high school on the neighboring island. She is now a mentor for the local high school, Ocean Academy’s internship program, helping young people gain practical business skills and experience.  Stacy is a model of ‘giving back’.  Hear her story of impacting students’ lives through Ocean Academy’s (OA) mentorship program. OA is a nonprofit high school on Caye Caulker island. *Learn how you can support this mentorship program from a distance or in person!

Join us to hear about an amazing organization -Toucan Education Programs (TEP).  A Belizean social entrepreneur, Ms. Rhondine Petrof founded TEP in 2010. She wanted to offer visiting college students and educators high-value, short-term study abroad programs that are designed to prioritize students' learning and development through reciprocal partnerships with the people and communities where they work.  As a social enterprise, TEP re-invests approximately 68% of its revenue into the Belizean economy to provide employment and support its social and ecological initiatives. TEP has numerous programs for students to engage in experiential learning opportunities for reciprocal engagement and intercultural learning. A “traveler” can support their reforestation program and more. Listen here for more details!

Betsy Rosenlund, the Board Treasurer of Hope Haven Charities, shares her personal involvement as well as the tremendous benefit Hope Haven gives to this island community. Hope Haven provides shelter and educational opportunities for numerous children on Ambergris Caye - ranging from infants to older teens. Come alongside and bring your talent to share an art project, music, read with the kids, or teach math and literacy skills, in support of this valuable work in the community.  Medical providers are also welcome to share their professional skills.  Hope Haven is centrally located, close to the local airport, for an easy morning or afternoon visit, supporting their work or sponsoring a child. Your donations make a great difference!

Join us to hear the Executive Director, Kristina Romero, share the history and current programs of Hope Haven, an organization established in 2015, addressing significant community needs in San Pedro, Belize. Hope Haven consists of an orphanage, serving girls, and boys, ages 1-17. It also has a domestic violence outreach center, as well as a learning center supporting kids with their literacy and math skills, for academic success. Join us to hear about the great impact Hope Haven is having in their community and how you may support their work, volunteering with kids in the learning center; offering programs to house-mothers; and/or serving as a sponsor or mentor. You can make donations to their nonprofit in the U.S.! FB & Instagram: Hopehavenbelize

Season 3 - CUBA

Daniel, a Cuban engineer from Guira, a town outside of Matanzas, joins us to share the local perspective of participating in the installation of water filtration systems.  Daniel shares a unique vievpoint, being on the “receiving” end, but also active in the process of both installing and maintaining the filter systems. He witnesses the impact of purified water on extended communities, who come on a weekly basis, to fill their canisters to supply water for their homes. Learn how you may contribute to making a great difference in the health of communities through supporting these on-going water projects throughout the country.

Keith Ogelsby, a Vicor with the Episcopal church in Ponte Vedra, Florida, recently participated in his 1st trip to Cuba. He went to Cuba to continue building and supporting a relationship of many years, with his home church and the community of Guira, Cuba.  Being a smaller, more remote city, these communities receive much less support, financially or spiritually. Groups which participate in these partnerships facilitate on-going efforts of the church and its surrounding communities. One tangible result of their long-term partnership is a purified water system, which supports a much larger community of people in need of potable water.  In light of seeing others’ challenges, Keith also recognizes how much we have to receive from the Cuban people. Listen to the importance of building mutually beneficial relationships and engaging in projects, such as a water filtration project, benefitting the larger communities.

Having been to Cuba numerous times, Olga has seen many changes, but one consistency is the warmth of the people.  Hear how welcoming the Cuban people are and how you may ‘leave your heart in Cuba’.  Olga reflects on ways we can learn from each other and appreciate what each has to offer.  Learn ideas of what you may do, such as bringing supplies of reading glasses, basic medical supplies, or clothing. Also participate in visiting the elderly, bringing hope and encouragement and receiving their love. 

Join us to hear Enoc Carbajal Gonzales, share ways to engage with Cuban people. A Baptist Pastor of 27 years, Enoc shares some projects you may consider participating in, such as visiting the elderly; becoming a language partner; or bringing much needed supplies. Hear about the economic challenges today, as well as the wave of immigration – especially among the youth, leaving many elderly alone. Listen to ways to get involved and connect with the Cuban people in meaningful ways.

Season 2 - BELIZE

After having taught primary school for five years, Mrs. Ariani Gongora noticed children experiencing major challenges with reading. Additionally, she recognized the challenge of school access - both financially and in proximity for children in San Pedro, Belize.  Thus, she and her husband decided to build a preschool, breaking the walls of their existing house to create it!  Join us to hear the impact of this school in their community and how their partnership with the Rotary Club of San Pedro has supported the expansion of their work. Bring some school supplies to donate on your next visit to Amberguis Caye!

Join us to hear about how Rotary clubs from the U.S. and Belize are partnering on a grant project to help resolve a problematic sanitation problem. Learn how you can help with this sanitation project at an elementary school on the island, building sidewalks. Hear ways to partner in other Rotary projects, working in San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, to support local needs as you travel. Susan shares how Rotary engages in needs assessments, to determine the greatest community needs. This club supports food distributions, local school projects, literacy programs, and a local library. Bring English and bilingual (Spanish-English) books for elementary age kids, to donate on your next trip and learn about other ways you can contribute!

As a long-term member of the Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary team, Ms. Ruby Enriquez shares her insights of engaging in Belize, from the programming perspective. Receiving students for years, she notes the connections that are made between travelers and local Belizeans, as they participate in service projects, side-by-side. As a community based organization, focused on projects addressing local needs, travelers build relationships, while volunteering their time. Participate in a rewarding experience - from building sidewalks to literacy projects in neighboring schools. You can even join a plastic recycling project to conserve the 2nd largest barrier reef in the world!

Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary is an environmental education center offering Belize Study Abroad experiential learning programs and training opportunities while serving as a model of conservation land Stewardship. Our goal is to guide our guests and students in experiencing the natural wonders of the tropics and life in a developing country, recognizing the diversity of human potential through other cultures. We do this from a peaceful natural setting within a 1070-acre private protected area at our Monkey Bay campus where we experiment with sustainable living technologies and conservation land management

Today, Eli Miller joins us from Monkey Bay (MB), an environmental educational center, on route to Belmopan, the capital city of Belize. MB is dedicated to 3 pillars: Environmental education, community development, and land conservation. They partner with neighboring communities to support their local needs, bringing students from Study abroad programs to come alongside.

Eli shares many benefits of these partnerships for both neighboring communities, as well as the surrounding environment. Learn ways to get involved

In Ecosystem services, Afterschool programs, and bird projects. Additionally, MB has a Marine research station off coast of Dangriga, Belize, where you can participate in reef clean-up projects. Learn about their innovative solar-powered plastic shredder to get rid of ocean plastics!

Season 1 - CUBA

Julia Sullivan has served as head of the Cuba committee for the Episcopal Diocese of Florida for nearly 20 years. Her first visit to Cuba was in 1998. Discover why she’s been returning multiple times per year since then. One of the main focuses of projects that Julia has participated in is the installation of water purification systems. Providing purified drinking water has a tremendously positive impact in communities. Additionally, bringing suitcases full of much needed medical supplies has been greatly beneficial.  Join us to learn more ways to partner in projects in Cuba.

Marilyn Borst is Associate Director for Partnership Development of the Outreach Foundation, a Presbyterian ministry. The Foundation builds and nurtures relationships with church leaders, assesses ministry initiatives, and leads short-term vision teams around the world. In this episode, Marilyn shares the development of special connections in Cuba, creating and supporting long-term relationships. Listen to her story of partnering with Cubans to reconstruct an elderly home and install water purification systems.

Welcome back! Join us for Part 2 of Carlos Emilio’s interview, as he moves from the late 1950’s to the present realities of life in Cuba today. Listen to ways you may support the Cuban people, gaining a deeper understanding of the many challenges they are currently experiencing – from a highly inflated currency to constant black-outs, making a regular work or home schedule nearly impossible. Join us to learn more and see how you may support the Cuban people.

Join us for a 2-part series to learn about Cuba’s rich history from the eyes of a Seminary Dean: Carlos Emilio Ham.  Carlos shares an unusual and unique story of his journey from Cuba to the U.S. -- and back to Cuba-- in the 1960’s.  Carlos was born in Cuba and raised in the U.S.  Yet, during the time of the revolution, when a great many were fleeing the country, Carlos’ family felt called to return. He decided to study at a Seminary during a period of ‘atheism’ and vocational crisis for religious leaders. At the time, Christians could only study ‘technical careers’, as religion was considered the “opium of the people”.   Listen to how and why Carlos and his family returned to Cuba, offering perspectives for those who have remained, with continued hope for change.

Join us to hear Reverend Mark Pendleton’s experience, creating “Friends of Cuba”, a nonprofit organization, focused on building friendships and providing humanitarian assistance to the Cuban people. After many trips, starting in the 1980s, Mark felt a need to stay connected with Cubans. Thus, he has helped establish on-going partnerships between North American and Cuban churches.  Travelers participate in installing water filter systems, providing portable water for entire communities and transporting much-needed medical provisions. They have a “ministry of schlepping” – one easy way to support the Cuban people – through transporting supplies in your luggage. Listen to simple yet meaningful ways to engage on your next trip to Cuba!